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Mankind continues to evolve except where it doesn’t. The Mid-East human development continues to be stuck, held in place by the tenants of its past. There are 3 tenants which characterize the entwined cultures of the nations of the region that define it. The first is the old school “eye for an eye” “tooth for a tooth” concept of human relationships there. No slight can be forgiven or wound not returned in a circle of perpetual violence. Failure to attack one’s attackers is seen as weakness and dishonorable. Vengeance is a way of life. The next tenant of the region is the geographical intertwinement of peoples who are sworn enemies. The West Bank looks like a cancer that has metastasized to where it has entwined enemies which cannot escape each other. They cannot live together but a two-state solution cannot be carved from the topography that the combatants find acceptable. The third tenant of their cultures is its legacy. They have patience for vengeance. A slight or attack against one generation may not be returned until generations later but they do not forget nor do they forgive. The animosity between these cultures goes back centuries…in fact millennia. This is 2024…

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