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12/11/24 Afternoon CommStock Report – Brazil Yield Ideas Already Ticking Higher

By The Commstock Report
Brazilian farmers are in the thick of the 24/25 growing season.  Planting is virtually over and now they focus on top dressing potassium while scouting fields for insect pressure.  My Brazilian uncle who farms across the road from us says his crop is off to a good start.  He said it has leaned a bit drier this past week but that is not a bad thing.  He said last year there was a week or two of dryness after planting that helped the beans establish their roots, sending them deeper into the soil.  He believed this helped give him one of the best crops they have ever had last year.  That is why he looks at any short-term dryness as a good thing.  The forecast shows rainfall returning later this week in our region of Minas Gerais.   Rainfall forecasts show plenty of precipitation in Southern Brazil, especially in the state of Parana where they could see up to 6" this week.  Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás and Minas Gerais will see scattered showers of 2" to 3".  Our attention is drawn to the northern half of Mato Grosso which leans drier for the next week or two.  There will…
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12/10/24 Afternoon CommStock Report – Election Results Revive Producer Optimism

By The Commstock Report
The 2024 presidential and congressional election results unleashed a surge of optimism in the Ag sector. Maybe this was relief fueled over what will not happen relative to higher taxes and regulation. This burst of elation may or may not last but it suggests that the Ag sector was pleased with the election outcome. They look for favorable tax and regulatory treatment from the GOP victory. They do not appear to be concerned over labor, trade and tariff threats but that comes in 2025. The Perdue Commercial Producer survey jumped as a measure of optimism was recorded   I think that banker sentiment in January and the change to what occurred post-election was notable. The overall sentiment started the year cautious and weakened into October. The recovery in sentiment from 35.2 in Oct to 50.2 in November showed the highest optimism of the year to date. Bankers were reportedly dancing in the street over the prospects of financial deregulation. They never seem to get around to brokerage deregulation so we could dance too. Changes in perception of loan volume, deposits and CDs is their business. The year saw banker optimism for farmland prices start out strong at 64. Looking at…
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12/09/24 Afternoon CommStock Report – Russia’s Shadow Looms Larger than Russia Does

By The Commstock Report
Russia walks, talks and projects itself to be a much larger profile than it is to cast a larger-than-life shadow. Vladimir Putin is fixated on the Russian past when it was an empire and later the Soviet Union which he revered. He thinks he can resurrect the past in the future with the use of intimidation and military power and instead is presiding over its demise. The reality is that Russia is a pretty pathetic country by any metric except its belligerent attitude and willingness to sacrifice its young in the cause of resurrecting an empire. Russia has caused decades of conflict that has cost the US $trillions to defend. US military expenditures reflect the perceived threats to our national security. Russia has often occupied the position of being the top threat so has strained our Treasury in the necessity of countering it. The demise of the Soviet Union was caused by economic collapse. This has gone on literally my whole lifetime. I was born in 1952 and it was 1953 before my father saw me as a baby for the first time as he was stationed in Germany serving in the 4rth Infantry Division in one of those geographic…
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12/06/24 Afternoon CommStock Report – A December to Remember for Markets?

By The Commstock Report
December has a seasonal history of being a bullish month for soybean futures, but buyers did not gain much traction this week. Bearish technical traders were still in control as they attempted to break the contract lows. Meanwhile, fundamental views continued to lean negative around inputs including fresh tariff threats, growing pessimism about the direction of biofuels policy, and record-large crop potential in South America. Are these headwinds so stiff as to negate the usual end-of-year price bump that market participants have come to expect out of soybeans and many other commodities?   Seasonal data from Moore Research highlights a strategy for buying January soybean futures that was profitable from December 1 - 18 in the past 13 out of 15 years. Zooming out for the whole month, soybean futures have trended higher throughout December in all of the previous 5-, 15-, and 30-year timeframes. While not as historically robust as for soybeans, the December patterns also lean friendly for corn and wheat futures.   One unique feature of the present December is that there are virtually no major weather concerns in South America to keep track of. Growing conditions are widely favorable in Brazil and Argentina at the moment,…
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12/05/24 Afternoon CommStock Report – Cinco de USMCA

By The Commstock Report
Mexico needs to celebrate its participation in the USMCA and needs to hurry as it is likely coming to an end soon. DJT has had it in for Mexico having expressed no interest in building a resort and golf course there. He has effectively used Mexico as the fall-guy to advance his political agenda. In most ways Mexico is guilty as charged. Once upon a time Mexico was bleeding its citizens northward across our southern border who were funding the home country by sending remittances home each month. "2024: Remittances are estimated to reach over $65 billion by the end of the year. The average amount of each remittance is around $390, and the average recipient receives money from relatives abroad about seven times per year. 99% of remittances in Mexico are delivered digitally." As time passed, Mexico became an auxiliary to US supply chains who began relocating to Mexico rather than entice Mexicans into coming to the US. As job opportunities grew in Mexico, the flow of Mexican workers northward first slowed and then that changed and changed again. Now they have been replaced in border apprehensions by immigrants from other Central American countries seeking asylum and the dream here. Mexico…
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12/04/24 Afternoon CommStock Report – Brazil’s Weak Currency Allows for Profitability

By The Commstock Report
I am back in Brazil. I haven't had a proper crop tour yet but what I saw from the drive from the airport looked fantastic. The soybeans were ankle high already, and very uniform. If anything, they looked a bit starved for sunlight. I see traders and analysts looking for any possible sign of dry weather to put a dent in the crop, when in fact a week of sunlight might actually do it some good. Southern Brazil and Argentina are drier going into this week but that appears to be short-lived. It will give them a chance to dry out and set their roots while allowing planting to get wrapped up. Mato Grosso do Sul and Parana see solid rainfall the middle of this week and that continues to spill over into neighboring states to the North. The Northern tier of Brazil should see 2" – 3" this week. Heavy rainfall comes back to RGDS and parts of Argentina this weekend with many areas seeing up to 6".   Long term weather anomalies still show wetter than average weather through the first week of December, but we do notice that a pattern of below average rain begins to expand…
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12/03/24 Afternoon CommStock Report – Oh Canada!

By The Commstock Report
DJTs tariff threat is just another brick laid on Canadians who are already struggling under the weight of 907.185 kilos (ton) of them. US consumers responded to inflation as the top concern in our election and Canadians have responded similarly. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just a 33% approval rating which is worse than Biden's at 36%. We frequently talk to Canadians and their ire toward Trudeau is something that they all agree on. Things Canadians are worried about are not much different than what concerns Americans. They are focused on high rents and food prices. Canadian food prices have gone up 37% more than US food prices. They have a national health care system and yet 45% of Canadians express strong concerns over it. The average Canadian makes $22,000 less annually than the average US income. That makes labor costs cheaper in Canada. Home purchases and rent in Canada is twice as unaffordable as ours. The average Canadian income would not cover the cost of buying a home. More Canadians then are forced to rent, forcing rents higher. In 2023, the total value of trade between the United States and Canada was $774 billion, with the U.S. importing $421.1 billion…
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