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January 27th, 2022


A professional classroom structure designed to give you a one-day crash course in all you need to know about trading commodities and managing your production risk. Learn what fundamental and technical information traders analyze to make informed decisions.

  • Futures
  • Options
  • Charting
  • Spreads
  • Basis analysis
  • Hedging Strategy
  • Trading Psychology


Joe Camp is Director of Managed Programs at Market Focus LLC, a division of CommStock Investments. His role is to assist producers with the full-service grain marketing programs offered by CommStock’s line of Market Focus managed pricing products. He has been a trusted source of grain marketing advice for producers across the Midwest while providing hedge recommendations and order execution services as a Series 3 licensed broker. He is a published writer and accomplished presenter on agricultural markets. Joe earned a master’s degree after completing an economics fellowship at Eastern Illinois University.

Dan Manternach grew up on a diversified family farm in Iowa that had a beef herd, feedlot, farrow-to-finish hog operation and an egg-laying chicken. Dan is currently a Senior Economist at Commstock Investments. He is a former President of Pro Farmer where he developed strategic alliances with firms in Canada and Australia that led to the launch of Pro Farmer Australia and Pro Farmer Canada. He’s a graduate of Iowa State University where he majored in Agricultural Communications and Agricultural Economics.

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