Late last week I took a quick trip to meet with a couple of farmers near Campo Novo do Parecis in Mato Grosso. The soybean fields I saw all looked healthy and well-watered. I did notice a couple of combines out working, with planters right behind them putting second crop corn in the ground…but this was more the exception than the rule. Most of what I saw was weeks away from harvest yet. There has been some chatter about how the harvest is starting out behind schedule. While we are not overly concerned at this point, we knew this was a possibility as planting started out ten days later than normal and then was heavily concentrated in a two-week period. We do see rainfall volumes easing off this week which will help get things caught up but then rainfall comes back the following week. This creates more of a quality risk than yield loss in our opinion. Farmers there did express concern about the timeliness of getting the soybean crop out and the corn crop in. Transportation logistics will be a mess. Storage will be maxed out. Somebody will get docked for poor grain quality. But in the end,…