PLEASE REFER TO THE BROKER COMMENTARY PAGE FOR UPDATES!! Canada (third in a series) A lot of Americans, unhappy over the November election of President Trump, looked at possible new countries of residence. Web Searches for moving to Canada rose 45%. I think the more they research moving to Canada what they will find is that they are far better off here in the states. Canada is a mess. There is a reason why its dollar is worth 30% less than ours. For every problem that we have with affordable housing and affordability in general, there is more reason for Canadians to move to the US than the other way around. Investment capital has been pouring out of Canada, mostly to the US, coinciding with the election of Pierre Trudeau as Prime Minster in 2015. They pay high taxes and get free education and health care but the cost is eating them up. They spend so much on their socialist structure they have nothing left to fund a modern military with, which means they depend on us for defense. They are at the bottom of GDP spending percentage on NATO. President Trump has said that he would not come to aid of NATO…