Overnight, we did get a fill on our reco selling $4.90 corn. The gaps in production estimates between USDA and CONAB continue to haunt us. Last year it was the beans. CONAB continued to reduce the size of the Brazilian crop while USDA came down some, they never did meet. This year, the corn production number caught my eye. USDA held steady the last report at 127 MMT, while CONAB released 119.6 MMT yesterday. World balance sheets are the tightest we have been in 10 years, and every bushel matters. Our contacts in Brazil continue to stress that the country’s corn demand is underestimated. Here in the U.S., we fear planting 95 million acres and overproducing. Judging by the July/Dec corn spread, that is everybody’s opinion, long-foreseen problems seldom arise. The bottom line is that the 2025 crops have not even been delivered to the seed shed, and we have a long way to go before we have a corn stocks problem. While we are dipping our toes in the water to make some new crop corn sales, we are only dipping for now. I must deliver all my corn in the fall with no storage; without forward sales, I will be hoping for a weather rally, and I don’t like hope for a marketing strategy. I will look to buy some put options ahead of the acres report in March, leaving my topside open.