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G/E soybean crop condition ratings improved 1% last week to 68% which compares to 54% a year ago. Hurricane Debbie is going to drown some crops on the east coast. Looking at my pictures, my crop condition is improving. Probably lost 4-5 acres of my 235-acre field to ponding. They finished planting the field on June 5th and the weather the rest of the season will have a major impact on the final result. This is not 1993. That year we stayed wet all season long with limited sunlight and was short on GDDs. We have had plenty of both so far this summer. The season ended early in 1993 with forced maturity. Soybeans “just’ made it starting to turn when frost hit. Corn cobs were soft and corn test weight was the worst ever produced in 1993. We have 3 corn crops here this year determined by differing planting dates. The corn planted in late April will have plenty of growing season and I expect most corn planting in May will too. The 3rd crop planted in June will be at some risk of reaching full maturity. Then again, unlike 1993, current weather is moving development along and if…

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